Intro to Underground Mining DIY

This mining training course was written by a team of WA Underground Shift Supervisors.  In an attempt to increase the basic mining knowledge of a new starter to a hardrock underground mine site. Not only was this an attempt to improve the safety of an entry level person. It was mostly done to address the constant turnover of new staff, due to the sink or swim training system employers are forced to use. This is all about setting you up for a successful career. This training is for the $90K even time and $110K 2 & 1 entry level jobs that everyone is after. If you would like to talk to one of the Shift Bosses about how to get a start in the mining industry then you can leave your details in this link

This is the only hardrock underground mining training course in Australia available to the public. The only other way to get this knowledge is to get a job and get trained on site. The training teaches you the entry-level jobs that the employers are advertising for. Intro to Underground mining gives you all the important mining knowledge the employers want. It covers the Nipper, Truck Operator, Offsider, Agi driver or member of Service Crew/Paste Crew jobs. These are the entry level jobs on a Hardrock Underground Gold, Nickel, Copper, Silver, Zinc or Base Metals mine. You can see all the jobs on seek if you type “underground” in and give it a spin. You can also use or our Jobs to Apply For page, these are the jobs you should be applying for, once you complete one of the training packages.  

How does the process work?

If you do choose to use our mining training course, in order to assist with breaking into the industry. Then please understand the reason the employers are interviewing and hiring our students is because of their mining knowledge. The mining training course teaches you the rules and entry level jobs you will be required to do on site. 

The employers will test you during the interview on what you have learnt. This is not a tick and flick course, this is a good old fashioned study course where you have to learn the information. The employers will require you to use what you have been taught in the training, so they can throw you in the deep end on their mine site and get a capable person that is up to speed (working independently) in weeks instead of months. We in fact encourage all the employers to test students during the interviews, to see if they have absorbed the required information. If the student has then it’s a huge advantage and puts the student 6 to 8 weeks ahead of everyone else the employers are interviewing for these jobs.
If they get the mining questions right in the interview and meet their other requirements, then they hire. Get the mining questions wrong or if you start umming and ahhing before your answers. Then they will probably move on to the next candidate. It’s that simple, if you know how their mine works then you have something to offer the employers. It’s all about setting you up for a successful career. Checkout our Wall of Fame page, read the results people have got and their pathway into the industry. 

Included in the DIY package

Full instructions on how to make your resume mining friendly is included in the Australian Mining Seminar. As are the interview prep questions and a full run down on where the current jobs are. You can follow this link to read the easy steps required to use the DIY package to get a job. You can see the information in the video below.

We understand how expensive it can be trying to get your first start. We are happy to offer these four courses and seminar for the discounted price of $495, as our Introduction to Underground mining package.

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This is one of the video’s from our sponsored YouTube channel Australian Mining for New Starters, on where the jobs are and what you can do to get one!

If you want a question answered then leave your details on our Enquiry Form page or on the sponsored Facebook page Australian Mining for New Starters.

The Facebook page also posts jobs that you should be applying for once you have completed the training! It also keeps you updated with industry news.

Want some hands on help

However, if you want some hands on help, from an experienced person within the industry, then our Workready package offers the help you need.

An Underground Training Shift Boss will oversee the processes required to get you up to speed to give you the best chance at get a start.

This includes redoing your resume, help you understand the mining information, conduct interview prep and come up with a plan, of where and how you are going to apply for jobs to break into the industry.

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I hope that info helps.


The Mining Coach

