About us

Why was Underground Training formed?

Underground Training was founded by a group of Shift Bosses in 2009 whom were frustrated by the high turnover of inexperienced staff. It was getting to the point that every time they returned to site from break there was a new face. A new face, that needed to be brought up to speed on processes, procedures and the inner workings of mining. A process costing time and money!

Why the high turnover? Why do so many New Starters fail? To put it simply, a naivety to how the industry works and its expectations of its workers. It’s this minimal industry knowledge that has been identified as the ultimate downfall for New Starters. All the employers have the same problem, teaching someone to drive the truck is the easy part. Teaching them enough about how the mine works, so they can be left alone to drive the truck on their own, that’s the hard part and why the high turnover of new starters happens. Knowing how the mine works is a skill all employers need their employees to have which most New Starters overlook when doing their research into getting a job.

So, if you can show the employer that you know how their mine works and what’s going to be expected of you working on their mine site, then you have something to offer them. Showing the employer that you know how the system works is a huge advantage and puts you 6 to 8 weeks ahead of everyone else they are interviewing for these jobs. Helping you both get and keep the job, when getting the job can be difficult, but keeping it is the real challenge for New Starters. You can checkout our training packages in our Shop and watch the video below to see how the training works.
