Industry News

Why you can’t go down to your local TAFE and enrol in a mining course

Mining in Australia is complicated, there is no national system, each state and territory owns the minerals in the ground and they all have their own set of rules. Western Australia has a mining Act & Regulations (which is world’s best practice) while other states have their own rules as part of their OH&S Regulations. […]

Why you can’t go down to your local TAFE and enrol in a mining course Read More »

Why the robots won’t be taking your underground mining job anytime soon

There has been a lot written about the impending automation of the Australian Hardrock mining industry. These reports have caused many people to dismiss the idea of a new career in mining. “What’s the point if you are going to get replaced in a few years” is the attitude of most. It has become an

Why the robots won’t be taking your underground mining job anytime soon Read More »