$100K entry level mining jobs no one is talking about

The $100K entry level mining jobs no one is talking about. There has been a lot of talk in the media over the last few weeks about all the mining jobs going around the country. It’s a shame that the information is only about the degree or trade jobs available on site,  when there are so many $100K entry level mining jobs going that no one is talking about.

Degree and Trade jobs only make up 30-35% of the jobs on a hardrock mine. Most of the jobs are on the mill or in the mine, and are classed as unskilled labour. These jobs have to be filled with Australian citizens or permanent residents. The area that needs the most people is in Hardrock Underground and Exploration.

You just have to type underground into Seek to see all the jobs come up.  Employers are screaming for people in the underground workplace. At the moment they have no choice but to fill the Nipper, Truck Operator, Diamond Driller Offsider, Agi Operator, even Paste Crew and Service Crew jobs with entry level people.

You only need a manual car license (yes, you only need a manual car license to drive an underground truck). A police clearance, pass a medical, including a drug and alcohol test to get one of these jobs. You can improve your chances by getting your mining knowledge up to speed. Using one of the Underground Training packages (DIY Introduction to underground mining or Workready) to educate yourself in how the mine works. To chase down one of these entry level jobs that pay $400 a day or more.

These jobs are on Hardrock gold, nickel, copper, zinc, lithium and other base metal mines which are located all around Australia. All the employers want a safe and productive member of crew. Unfortunately, the longer it takes a new starter to find their feet the greater the chance of it all going wrong. Knowing how the mine works and what is going to be expected of you on site gives you a huge advantage over everyone else.

Sometimes knowing where the jobs are, is the hardest part of getting a mining job. You can see this feedback on our Wall of Fame page. If you would like to talk to someone about how to get a start in the mining industry then you can leave your details in this link. Good luck to everyone, hope you get the start you are chasing soon.


The Mining Coach
