Stope rock fall

Stope rock fall

The most dangerous type of rock fall in the stope would have to be off the hanging wall, normally the only notice you get is a puff of dust or a few small rocks falling. If you see dust or small rocks fall out of the stope or hear a bang it is important to remove the bogger from the stope as quickly as possible.

When do you go back in?

This needs to be APMS.

Always look into the stope when bogging.

What are you looking for?

Dust & small rocks falling.

Noise, any loud bangs are normally not a good sign.

Remember where little rocks fall big ones will always follow.

The most dangerous type of rock fall is off the hanging wall because the bogger is normally under this area when working. Boggers can get cleaned up by these rocks when Tele Remoting the stope.

The rock falling off the foot wall is the easiest type of rock fall to avoid as it typically slides down the reel, slowly. Just breath and reverse out ASAP.