Loading Trucks

Loading Trucks

In order to load a truck safely and productively there are 4 things that need to be done:

Assess the size of dirt from the loading area and plan how it will fit on the truck.

Assess the loading bay, where it is, how big is it, which will be the best place to position the truck.

The position of the truck. Does the truck have to move or will it stay in one place for loading?

The truck’s exit path. Is there low vent or other objects to hit. This is not the truck operators sole responsibility, if the truck hits something then it is the responsibility of both the truck & bogger operator’s.

Assessing the dirt

When loading trucks, assessing the size of the dirt is very important to how safely the truck is loaded. What are you looking for?

The average size, is it rice with a couple of big ones through it or is it all microwave and fridge size. If its smaller dirt you can easily load over a truck with 3 full buckets. If larger dirt, a rock the size of a fridge can slip out the side of the bucket and land on the engine cover of the truck causing damage to air filters and other vital equipment.

Fitting it on the truck

Now you know the size of the dirt you can work out how it will go on the truck

Small dirt normally requires two buckets to the front of the tub and one towards the rear.

Larger dirt requires one bucket at the front, then one in the middle (in case something large comes out the side of the bucket) and the last bucket towards the rear.