Mining Job Hunt Videos

Want to know where a new starter can look for a job in the Hardrock Mining Industry. These job hunt videos are from our sponsored YouTube channel Australian Mining for New Starters.
The video’s start from late 2020 and run though to the current one posted, they cover more than just where the jobs are, they explain the issues with tickets, why the media only cover the degree and trade jobs and how you only need a manual car license and some inside mining knowledge to start your mining career.

In today’s video we are going to talk about the continued high Gold price in Australian dollars, how we can help you get a job using the training and show you where the jobs are. I will also cover the Coal and Iron Ore price, if you want to go down that path. However, as you will see all the work is in the Underground Gold and Copper mines.

2.32 Map of Australia with Gold and Copper mines

3.10 Job hunt starts with seek using “Underground”

4.02 Job hunt starts with seek using “Mining Truck”

In today’s video we are going to talk about the new record gold price in Australian dollars, how we can help you get a job using the training and show you where the jobs are. I will also put you onto a good resource for Coal mining in the eastern states if you want to go down that path. However, it’s Gold and Copper mines where employers need people and all the jobs are.

This is the first job hunt video of 2025 and we are changing the format up a bit. We will have a look at where I can help you get a Hardrock job. I will also put you onto a good resource for Coal mining in the eastern states and we have a look at an interesting question asked on social media about fly in day.

In this entry level job hunt carried out on 02/09/21. We are going to use the search words “underground”, “exploration” and “surface” on seek to see where all the jobs are.
Then we will have a look at an ABC NT article, showing how the employers are being held accountable for a mining fatality.
See where the Hardrock (Gold, Nickel, Copper, Zinc etc..) mining jobs are

See where the Hardrock (Gold, Nickel, Copper, Zinc etc..) mining jobs are, most people think getting the job is the hard part, when its only a small part of the battle.You have to make it past 6months to win the war and make it in the industry.
It’s not as easy as people think to find your feet and many struggle to give the employers what they want.
The best way to avoid this, is to know how the mine works and what you are going to be expected to do before you get there. The more you know before you go the better your chance of making it.

See where the Hardrock (Gold, Nickel, Copper, Zinc etc..) mining jobs are, find out what the employers really want.

The job ads have all the clues and info in them as to what the employers really want out of an employee. Understanding this, gives you the advantage needed to show the employers you have something to offer them.

See where the Hardrock (Gold, Nickel, Copper, Zinc etc..) mining jobs are, find out if you need to relocate to a mining town to get a start. But before you jump in the car and drive across the country, there are some things you need to know. 

These new starter mining jobs have a high turnover of people (it’s not for everyone). The more you can take out of the big learning curve (that happens when you start your first mining job) before getting to site, then the better your chances are of making it past that important 6 month mark and making a career out of it.

See where the Hardrock (Gold, Nickel, Copper, Zinc etc..) mining jobs are, find out what it means to be Green on a mine site and why the employer’s turnover so many new starters. 

Most people think getting the job is the hard part, when its only a small part of the battle. You have to make it past 6months to win the war and make it in the industry. It’s not as easy as people think and many struggle to give the employers what they want.

See what the Hardrock (Gold, Nickel, Copper, Zinc etc..) employers really want in their job ads, spoiler it’s not RII Ticket’s an S11 or a Generic Induction (they are even trying to sell the Generic Induction in Perth) 

It’s easy to see why so many people struggle to get interviews and a job when they aren’t giving the employers what they want.

See what the employers really want in their job ads and spoiler, it’s not a RII Dump Truck Ticket
It’s easy to see why so many people struggle to get interviews and a job when they aren’t giving the employers what they wa

If you want to get into hardrock underground mining then checkout our Into to Underground Mining DIY 3 Step Plan Package and Workready packages.

For more information leave your contact details on our Enquiry Form page.
