Mining Job Flow Chart (not including oil and gas)
There is a lot of confusion out there about the different types of mining jobs and the careers you can have with them. We have put together a flow chart of how the industry is separated into streams and the types of jobs involved in each stream. Once you enter the industry in a stream it is very hard to move into another stream for a number of different reasons. However, the main reason most people get trapped in a Utility role is because of the poaching rules that companies have to deal with as part of their contracts on site.

As always it pays to know how the system works to take advantage of it.
If you are planning a mining career, then it pays to invest in the mining knowledge you will need to survive in one of these jobs as a Nipper, Truck Operator, Agi Operator or Diamond Driller Offsider. You can find the jobs by typing underground into Seek.
There is 50 hours of important information in the DIY Introduction to Underground Mining package has full instructions on how to redo your resume (it takes about 2 hours to do yourself using our template) and interview prep questions as well as a mining company to apply to directly. If you want your resume done for you checkout our 3 Step Plan package.
If you want help getting in, they also do a Workready package, where you get a ticketed WA shift boss to help you with the mining information, we redo your resume for you, do interview prep and come up with a plan of where and how to get in. Doing one of our packages will not only make it much easier to get a start but it will ensure you have all the information and tools you need to make a career once onsite. If you don’t want to become a statistic, then education is key.
I hope that info helps.
The Mining Coach